Managing Metasploit

There are a limited set of tasks that you can perform from the Pro Console to manage Metasploit settings, such as logging input and output, changing the current user, and changing the verbosity. For tasks like updating Metasploit, managing users, and updating license keys, you must perform them from the web interface.

Logging Input and Output from the Console

Use the ConsoleLogging option to store information that the Pro Console inputs and outputs into a log.

msf-pro > setg ConsoleLogging y

Console logging is now enabled.

Changing the Log Verbosity

Use the LogLevel option to set the verbosity of the logs. Set the value between 1 and 5.

msf-pro > setg LogLevel 3

LogLevel => 3

Logging Input and Output for a Session

Use the SessionLogging option to store information that msfconsole inputs and outputs about a session into a log.

msf-pro > setg SessionLogging y

Session logging will be enabled for future sessions.

Changing the Current User

Use the pro_user command and supply the user name as the argument to change the current user.

msf-pro > pro_user joe

{*} Changed pro_user to joe

Viewing a List of Users

Use the pro_user command and the -l option to view a list of users.

msf-pro > pro_user -l

Username Full Name Email Admin?

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